线上系列演讲 第五讲
The Alternate Histories and Analytical Possibilities of the Environmental Body: The View from 20th-Century Egypt
主讲人:珍妮弗·德尔(Jennifer Derr,加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校副教授)
腾讯会议号:847 245 570
Jennifer L. Derr is an Associate Professor of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz where she is also the Founding Director of the Center for the Middle East and North Africa. Professor Derr’sresearch explores the intersections among medicine, science, the environment,and political economy in the modern Middle East. Her book,The Lived Nile:Environment, Disease, and Material Colonial Economy in Egypt (StanfordUP, 2019), chronicles the transformation of the Nile in the nineteenth andtwentieth centuries to support colonial economy in Egypt, and the significanceof the river’s new material environment in producing knowledge forms,configurations of capital, practices of authority, and embodied subjectivities.Professor Derr’s second manuscript traces the production of the liver – the organ– as a site of knowledge, disease, and treatment in 20th-century Egypt and thesignificance of this history within that of biomedicine and public health inthe Global South during the second half of the twentieth century. Her researchhas been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the HellmanFoundation, the University of California Humanities Research Institute, theFulbright-Hays Commission, the Social Science Research Council, the AmericanResearch Center in Egypt, the Mellon Foundation, and the Institute forHistorical Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. In 2019, she wasawarded the National Science Foundation’s 5-year CAREER grant to support abroad research agenda focused on the “History of Science at the Interface of Biomedicaland Environmental Concerns.”
In 1952, a new regime came to power in Egypt. Headed by the charismatic Gamal AbdelNasser, the regime was virulently anti-colonial in its rhetoric and itsendeavors to break away from a past in which Britain had dominated Egyptianpolitics. And yet, the legacies of the past continued to linger, among them theepidemic of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis that had raged in the countrysince the turn of the nineteenth century. During the 1950s and 1960s,schistosomiasis was Egypt’s primary challenge in the field of public health.Thinking with the history of schistosomiasis in Egypt – and that of COVID-19 –this talk will explore the Egyptian body that was the object of global publichealth initiatives and Egyptian biomedicine in the second half of the twentiethcentury. It will consider the effects of a longstanding epidemic of disease onthe development of Egyptian biomedicine and scientific research and theevolving environmental imaginaries that undergirded both ventures. Finally,this talk will explore the relationship between the articulated revolutionarypolitics of Nasser’s regime and its approach to epidemic disease and how wemight read that relationship in the practice of Egyptian medicine and publichealth today.
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