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代表性成果 - Representative Works by Fellows
来源:     作者:   更新时间:2013/09/26 点击数:

Hou Shen, The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism,University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013 (《城市自然化:〈园与森林〉杂志与美国环保主义的兴起,匹兹堡大学出版社城市环境史系列,2013)侯深 著


This book is a comprehensive study of an American weekly magazine entitled Garden and Forest (published in1888-1897). Edited by Charles S. Sargent—a Harvard botanist—and William A. Stiles—a New York journalist—this magazine served as a collective voice for various environmental concerns and issues during the early period of the conservation movement. It promoted a “city natural” ideal that tried to civilize the nation by creating a more harmonious fit of cities within their natural habitat. While promoting the application of professional knowledge and training to manage nature and conserve natural resources, it also argued for the indispensability of nature’s beauty in an urban age. An analysis of this early environmental magazine reveals a more complicated and distinctly urban origin of environmentalism than we have fully realized.

《美国自然资源政策史》(香港社会科学出版社,2011)宋云伟 著

Song Yunwei, History of Natural Resources Policy in the USA


This book explores the traditional policy of natural resources in the U. S. from four aspects: land, forest, mines, and water. It reveals the change of resource policy of federal government in different phases, analyzes the content, implementation and influences of relevant legal provisions, explores the relationship between natural resource policy and legal rights, and the conflicts between provincialism and the protection of the nation’s resources.

李文海 夏明方 朱浒 主编
Li Wenhai, Xia Mingfang and Zhu Hu eds., Collected Books about Disaster Relief in China


This collection is the first and most comprehensive edition of 187 selected famine relief books published from the Song to Qing dynasties. Most of these books are wood-block prints, manuscripts and rare books. Almost all important famine relief books known to the academic world are included. These books are arranged in a chronological order and transformed to a modern reader-friendly version.

王子今 著
Wang Zijin, Ecology and Environment in the Period of Qin and Han Dynasty


This book presents a general picture of the environment in the Qin and Han dynasties from various aspects, including climate, water resource, wild animal distribution, and human factors. It describes the ecological ideas and the relationship between environment and society in this period from a perspective of intellectual history. It also provides several case studies on the environment in the Qin and Han dynasties, such as the environmental and geographical factors when the Qin Empire chose Xian Yang as its capital, records of disasters and mysterious events in the Qin dynasty, environmental consequences of the Great Wall built in the Qin and Han dynasties, the overflowing of tides and miasmas in the South during the Han dynasty.


朱浒 著
Zhu Hu,The Fluidity and Transcendence of Localism: Late-Qing Charitable Relief and the Supersession of the Old by the New in Modern China


This book explores comprehensively the rise and development of charity focused on famine relief after the Northern Chinese Famine (1876–1879) and reveals the complex process of modernization of Chinese famine relief. This book highlights the relationship between charity and social transformations, in particular the complex relationship between charity and the early stages of industrialization in modern China.


赵珍 著
Zhao Zhen,The Ecological Changes in the Northwest of China during the Qing Dynasty


This book explores the factors affecting the environment of Northwestern China in the Qing dynasty. It discusses the vulnerability of the original ecological system, the policy of immigrant and reclamation, the activities of reclamation, population change, and wars. By analyzing the main reasons for natural and social phenomena like soil erosion, the desertification caused by flood and drought, the deterioration of the agricultural ecological system, and the aggravation of social conflicts, this book demonstrates ecological ideas and environmental protection measures originated at the regional level in the Qing dynasty.


李文海、夏明方 主编
Li Wenhai and Xia Mingfang eds., Heavens Created Some Bad Years: Natural Disasters in Qing Dynasty and Chinese Society


This book collects twenty-three articles with five major themes: famines in the Qing dynasty and their social effects, institutional and practical famine relief of the Qing government, local communities in the Qing dynasty and popular reactions to natural disasters, the state-people cooperation and modern transformations of the institutional famine relief in China, social memory, cultural identity and the intellectual change of famine relief in the Qing dynasty. The contributors to this book are experts on the history of disasters and famines in China, and they come from France, USA, Germany, Australia, besides China. This book sets a precedent for future studies in this field with international cooperation.


夏明方 著
Xia Mingfang, Natural Disasters and Rural Society in the Republic of China


This book is a revised and expanded version of the author’s Ph. D. dissertation titled “Disasters, Environment and Rural Society in Republican China” (1997). It analyzes the interactions among natural disasters, the natural environment of rural society, population change, productivity, relations in production, and social order in Republican China. It reveals the dynamics behind the outbreak and transformations of natural disasters, their temporal and spatial distribution characteristics, and their diffusion throughout rural society in this period. This book builds a frame for further studies of the effects of natural disasters in modern China.

张云飞 著
Zhang Yunfei, The Oneness of Heavens and Human:Confucianism and Ecological Environment


The writer deals with three aspects of the Confucian environmental consciousness: the ecological,philosophical, and ethical. He argues that the present environmental crisis shows the significance of the Confucian concept of the oneness of heavens and humans.

李文海等 编著
Li Wenhai, ed., A Chronological History of Disasters and Famines in Modern China, two volumes


This work demonstrates the historical context of natural disasters in every province of China and their social effects between 1840 and 1949 based on a large number of archives, official records and private writings, in a chronological order and systematical way. They are the guidebook and handbook for the history of natural disasters in modern China.

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侯 深
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Donald Worster
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