A Symposium on ‘Wasteocene and the Diverse Reflection on the Global Ecological Crisis’

19:00-21:30, November 30 & December 1, 2022(Beijing Time)
Co-sponsored by the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China; and Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

自“人新世”概念问世以来,全球学界就行星尺度的人类文明与生态变迁的关系及其历程展开了愈益广泛和深入的争鸣,从问题意识、知识结构、理论模型、实证研究等各个方面推进了人类对当前全球生态危机及其可能走向的新思考、新阐释。与此同时,也有越来越多的学者开始反思“人新世”学说的局限性,并努力寻找替代性的概念,以更加准确地把握当前全球生态危机的根源。环境史学者马可·阿米埃罗新近提出的“废新世”概念,可谓独辟蹊径。此一概念基于社会差异和环境正义,从社会-生态关系之无处不在、无时或缺的废弃化过程入手,对当前“人新世”的主流叙事及其基本推论提出强烈的质疑,启发学界从另一种视角重新理解全球生态危机,并激发新的学术与社会实践。有鉴于此,中国人民大学生态史研究中心与瑞典皇家理工学院环境人文实验室拟联合举办学术论坛,邀请国内外环境人文学者,从各自不同的角度或所在国家和地区的生活体验,对 “废新世”概念的内涵与适用性开展批判性思考,共话人与非人类生态关系的新视野。
Since the concept of the Anthropocene was created, the global academic community has launched an increasingly extensive and deep debate on the relationship between human civilization and ecological changes at a planetary scale. This has promoted the reinterpretation and rethinking of the current global ecological crisis and its challenge to scholars in terms of question awareness, knowledge structure, theoretical model and empirical research. Several scholars have begun to reflect on the limitations of the Anthropocene and seek an alternative for accurately understanding the roots of the global ecological crisis. Marco Armiero, an environmental historian, suggests a unique concept of the Wasteocene. Based on social inequality and environmental justice, the Wasteocene focuses on the ubiquitous social-ecological relationship and the incessantly wasting process. It questions the mainstream narrative and fundamental assumptions of the Anthropocene, inspires a new comprehension of the global ecological crisis, and stimulates new academic research and social practices. Thus, the Centre for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, joined by the Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, will organize this symposium together and invite scholars all over the world in environmental humanities to share their insights and local experiences. This symposium aims to reflect critically on the connotation and potentials of the Wasteocene and explore the new vision of the ecological relationship between humans and nonhumans.
Zoom 会议室: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/66992266756
11月30日晚上7:00-9:30(北京时间) |
7:00-7:10 |
欢迎致辞:夏明方、唐纳德·沃斯特 |
7:10-7:40 |
主题发言:《废新世》(马可·阿米埃罗) |
7:40-7:45 |
休息 |
7:45-8:55 主持人:侯深 |
分论坛一:(每位学者发言10分钟) 约翰·麦克尼尔:《评马可·阿米埃罗的<废新世>》 马丁·梅洛西:《垃圾与气候变化之间存在联系吗?》 杰森·摩尔:《超越“废新世”:阶级、帝国和“全球垃圾场”时代资本的局限性》 朱丽叶·苏:《重新想象废物、价值和共同:一生的场景》 桑德拉·斯沃特:《西方的废弃物》 萨尔瓦·托勒:《废新世与意大利的政治生态学》 |
8:55-9:30 |
提问与讨论(35分钟) |
12月1日晚上7:00-9:00(北京时间) |
7:00-8:10 主持人:吴羚靖 |
分论坛二:(每位学者发言10分钟) 茱莉亚·阿里格蒂:《亚马逊资本主义与废弃关系》 张玉林:《灾害的再生产与治理危机——中国经验的山西样本》 田松:《今天的世界是垃圾做的》 荀丽丽:《被废弃的“乡土”?由“废新世”看中国的农业转型》 黄瑜:《走向拒绝废弃的共同体——广东工伤职业病工人的自我赋权与群体服务》 毛达:《二十六年的坚持——中国西南一处多氯联苯污染场地的发现、调查和治理历程》
8:10-8:45 |
提问与讨论(35分钟) |
8:45-9:00 |
总结发言(夏明方) |
Symposium Agenda
Zoom link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/66992266756
Nov. 30 7:00-9:30 pm Beijing time (CST) |
7:00-7:10 |
Welcome Remark (Mingfang Xia, Donald Worster) |
7:10-7:40 |
Introduction by Marco Armiero |
7:40-7:45 |
Break |
7:45-8:55 Moderator: Shen Hou |
Panel 1 Presentations: (10 mins for each panelist) John McNeill: Comments on Marco Armiero’s WASTEOCENE Martin Melosi: Linking Garbage to Climate Change—Is That a Thing? Jason Moore: Transcending the Wasteocene: Class, Empire and the Limits to Capital in the Era of the ‘Global Dump’ Julie Sze: Reimagining Waste, Value and Commons: Scenes from a Life Sandra Swart: The Waste of the West? Salvo Torre: Wasteocene and Italian Political Ecology
8:55-9:30 |
Q&A Session (35mins) |
Dec. 1 7:00-9:00 pm Beijing time (CST) |
7:00-8:10 Moderator: Lingjing Wu |
Panel 2 Presentations: (10 mins for each panelist) Giulia Arrighetti: Amazon capitalism and Wasting Relationship Yulin Zhang: The Disaster of Re-production and the Crisis of Governance: The Shanxi Example in China’s Experience Song Tian: Today’s World is Made of Garbage Lili Xun: The Abandoned ‘Native Land’: China’s Agricultural Transformation from the Perspective of the Wasteocene Yu Huang: Towards a Community That Refuses Wasting: Self-Empowerment and Group Service for Occupational Disease Workers in Guangdong Da Mao: Twenty-six Years of Persistence: The Discovery, Investigation, and Management of a PCB-Contaminated Site in Southwest China
8:10-8:45 |
Q&A Session (35mins) |
8:45-9:00 |
Closing Remark (Mingfang Xia) |
Armiero, Marco, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Arrighetti, Giulia, University of Turin
Hou Shen, Peking University
Huang Yu, Minzu University of China
Mao Da, Shenzhen Zero Waste Environmental Welfare Development Center
McNeill, John, Georgetown University
Melosi, Martin, University of Huston
Moore, Jason, Binghamton University
Swart, Sandra, Stellenbosch university
Sze, Julie, University of California, Davis
Tian Song, Southern University of Science and Technology
Torre, Salvo, University of Catania
Worster, Donald, Renmin University of China
Wu Lingjing, Renmin University of China
Xia Mingfang, Renmin University of China
Xun Lili, Chinese Academy of Social Science
Zhang Yulin, Nanjing University