The Center for Ecological History is honored to have two renowned historians—Prof. Li Wenhai and Prof. Donald Worster—as its honorary directors. Prof. Xia Ming is the director. Prof. Zhu Hu and Prof. Hou Shen are the deputy directors.
The center consists of three research groups:
World ecological/environmental history: This group focuses on European and North American environmental history, urban environmental history of the US, history of conservation in developed countries, world system and global environmental history, and history of disease and medicine. Research fellows in this group are: Donald Worster, Zhao Xiurong, Song Yunwei and Hou Shen.
Chinese ecological/environmental history: This group is engaged to do research on and teach Chinese environmental history, history of disasters, history of disease and medicine, and history of environmental thought. Research fellows in this group are: Wang Zijin, Zhang Yunfei, Xia Mingfang, Zhao Zhen, Zhu Hu, Wang Xiaokun, Wu Tingting and Chen Hao.
Chinese historical geography: This group studies Chinese landscape history and environmental changes in Beijing and its hinterlands. Research fellows in this group are: Hua Linfu, Liu Xinguang, Ding Chao and Hu Heng.