曾京京 南京农业大学中华农业文明研究院 江苏 南京; 210095 《中国农史》2007年第01期
【摘要】 近代中国,内忧外患接踵,天灾人祸相仍,赈灾恤贫一直是倍受朝野关注的严峻的现实问题。从光睹初到民国初,富有儒家康济胞与精神的士大夫们连年奔波于南北义赈;上世纪20年代人们开始把目光更多地投向寓富国利民于灾荒防御的社会改良事业。本文主要揭示唐氏无锡东门支从事或参与近代灾赈及社会改良事业的历史脉络。不管是在以太湖流城为中心的江南地区,还是在全国范围内,这个族支在上述事业中都有一系列杰出的表现,从而形成一种家族效应。笔者认为:这种家族效应的形成。是教百年积淀下来的家族文化传统长期培植的结果,从中可见传统文化在近代中国社会的顽强延续与广泛影响。 【关键词】 家族血缘群体; 灾赈及社会改良; 近代中国
Contribution of the Kindred Group to Famine Relief and Society Improving during Modern China——Centered on the Wuxi Sib of Tang Kindred in Changzhou Prefecture ZENG Jing-jing (The Institute of Chinese Agricultural Civilization; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095)
【英文摘要】 In modem China,famine-relief and saving the poor became a seriously realistic problem highly attended by the governments and the public.From earlier Guangxu reign to the beginning of the Republic of China,the gentlemen cherishing Goodness out of Confucianism devoted themselves to Yizheng(义赈),and since the 1920's the public began to put more consideration to the cause of social improving which held the idea of making the country rich and benefiting the public through disaster-preventing.This Paper tries to ... 【英文关键词】 kindred group; famine relief and society improving; modern China