卜风贤; 朱磊; 西北农林科技大学人文学院; 西北农林科技大学人文学院 陕西杨陵; 陕西杨陵; 北方论丛,2007年06期
【摘要】 先秦时期我国自然灾害频发,尤其是西北地区灾害发生更为频繁。但这一时期史册不全,史官制度建设不完善,影响到相关的灾荒史料不甚充分,灾荒资料分布比较零散,大多是零星分布于《诗经》、《春秋》、《左传》等历史文献中,虽然言简意赅,但也不失为研究先秦时期灾荒问题的重要文献资源。
【英文摘要】 Disasters happened frequently during the Pre-Qin Dynasties,especially in Northwestern Area.As ancient classics were scare and Official historian system is not perfectin this time,the disaster information is scare,and most can be found from Shiking,Chun-Qiu and Zuo-Zuan and other Chinese historical archives.Though the words are simple,they are still the important Chinese historical archives.