卜风贤; 陕西师范大学西北环发中心; 干旱区资源与环境, 2008年10期
【摘要】 西汉时期是中国历史上西北开发的关键时期,尤其是汉武帝一朝,西北开发功勋卓著。在西汉时期大规模开发西北的决策过程中,政治、经济、军事等方面的因素发挥了重要的影响作用,但是自然灾害对西北开发的影响作用也不容忽视。西汉时期严峻的灾害形势对关中和山东农区造成了重大破坏作用,国家粮食安全岌岌可危。出于化解灾害风险的现实需要,西汉王朝不得不以战争的手段解决北部匈奴问题,依靠农业生产扩大西北地区耕地面积,移民实边。经过两百年的刻苦经营,西汉时期终于奠定了西北农业生产的基本格局,关中、河套、河西、河湟主要农业生产区全面形成,中国传统农业阶段第一个人口高峰出现并维持了一千多年之久。
【英文摘要】 Xi-han Dynasty is an key point during the Northwest development history in China,especially during emperor Wu,the Northwest region developed rapidly and made lots of achievements.In the decisions about the Northwest development,the politics,economics,military and so on had played important roles,but natural disaster was also a factor that could not be neglected.Sever natural disaster ruined the Guan-zhong and Shan-dong agricultural area,and there was a crisis on food security.In the practical need of ...