魏爽 哈尔滨师范大学人文学院 哈尔滨 《黑龙江教育学院学报》2007年第06期
【摘要】 西汉时期是我国历史上第一个灾害多发期,汉武帝统治时代又是整个西汉自然灾害发生次数最多的时期。自然灾害不仅破坏了正常的社会秩序,给经济带来巨大的损失,而且还广泛影响到为政者的治国思想。汉武帝采取了重视农业、移民屯垦、廪贷灾民、兴修水利等积极的救荒措施,及时有效地缓和了因灾荒而造成的社会危机,维护了地主阶级的统治,稳定了农业生产,同时也为后来西汉王朝的"昭宣中兴"打下了基础。 【关键词】 汉武帝; 自然灾害; 荒政; 救荒思想
The Natural Calamity and Calamity-treating system during the Period of Emperor Hanwu's Administration WEI Shuang (Harbin Normal Unversity; Harbin 150080; China)
【英文摘要】 The Western Han Dynasty is the first period with density of calamity in Chinese history.Especially during the period ef Emperor Hanwu's administration,the frequency of natural calamity reached its summit.The natural calamity not only destroyed the social order,but al- so brought great economic loss.Furthermore,the governing polity of the emperor was also influenced greatly.Emperor Hanwu took many effi- cient and overall calamity-relief measures such as pay more emphasis on agriculture,immigrate the peasant ... 【英文关键词】 Emperor Hanwu; natural calamity; calamity-treating system; policy of calamity-relief