杨果; 陈曦; 武汉大学历史学院; 武汉大学历史学院 湖北武汉; 湖北武汉; 华中科技大学学报(社会科学版),2007年01期
【摘要】 宋元时期江汉平原各种自然灾害频发,其中水旱灾害的发生频率最高、产生影响最大。受自然环境、水系特征、气候条件及社会经济状况等因素影响,灾害发生的时间规律与地域分布表现出夏季为高发期、平原中腹是集中地的特征。自然灾害对江汉平原区域社会发展产生多方面影响,不仅对农业生产、经济生活造成破坏,而且带来环境景观的变迁,并给民风民俗打上烙印。
【英文摘要】 Various natural disasters occurred frequently in Jianghan Basin during the Song and Yuan period, among which both the droughts and flood disasters had the highest frequency and the biggest influence. Affected by the region s natural environment, river system characteristics, climatic conditions and its social economy, disasters always occurred in summers and concentrated in the center of the basin. Natural disasters brought a lot of influences to the region,not only destroying the agricultural production ...