孙春芳; 耿扬 河北大学宋史研究中心; 河北省邢台市第三中学 河北保定; 河北邢台 《殷都学刊》2007年第03期
【摘要】 宋代继承了自古以来"灾害天谴说"指导下的弭灾活动。弭灾对于破除灾害没有任何作用,但它已不仅仅是一种不科学的减灾形式,而是与国家政治生活密切相连。尤其是"因灾罢相"成为政治倾轧和统治者任人理政的一个契机。 【关键词】 宋代; 弭灾; 因灾罢相
"Mi-zai" and "Dismissing PrimeMinister Owing to Disasters"in Song Dynasty SUN Chun-fang1; GENG-yang2 (1.Song Dynasty History Research Center of Hebei University; Baoding 071002; China; 2.The third middle school of Xingtai city in Hebei province; Xingtai 054000; China)
【英文摘要】 Song Dynasty inherited the activities of "Mi-zai",entreating gods to remove disaster,instructed by the ideology of the heaven producing disasters since the ancient times.Not having any function in eliminating disasters,"Mi-zai"has already not merely been a kind of non scientific form of reducing natural disasters,but linked to the national politics.Especially,dismissing prime minister owing to disasters provided an opportunity for political struggle and rulers' selecting officials. 【英文关键词】 Song Dynasty; Mi-zai; Resigning prime minister owing to disasters