杨鹏程; 湖南科技大学历史系 湖南湘潭; 云梦学刊,2007年02期
【摘要】 清朝前期虽然政治相对清明,社会稳定,但由于人口增长迅速,对山地和洞庭湖的过度围垦,降低了洞庭湖对洪水的调蓄作用,加之吏治腐败、清初的战乱及奸商囤积居奇、操纵粮价等社会原因,致使湖南地区灾荒频仍,民不聊生。
【英文摘要】 Although, the government was relatively clean and the society was stable, due to fast population growth and over exploiting Dongting River and mountains, the function of storing water by Dongting River was weakened. Moreover, because of the corrupt governors, wars and dishonest businessmen controlling rice s price, famine and disaster were frequent and the people were destitute at that time.