范立君; 谭玉秀; 中国农史, 2008年02期
【摘要】 |
20世纪20年代是关内流民涌向东北的高峰期,流民问题成为当时一大社会问题。对此,华北及东北地方政府、社会团体、慈善救济机关及铁路交通部门等都给予了广泛关注,并采取了多项整治措施,取得了一定的成效。同时,作为调控流民问题的模式之一——"移民"调剂方略的实施,大大促进了东北人口的增长,东北地区的社会结构发生了巨大变化。 |
【英文摘要】 |
The problems of the refugees became one of social problems at that time,because the millions and millions of refugees inside the Shanhaiguan rushed to the Northeast China in the1920s.The local government of the North China and the Northeast China, social groups, charity and railway traffic branches paid high attention to it, took multinomial measures to solve it and obtained stated effect. At the same time, on account of the "migration" temper policy as one of solving the problems of the Refugees’ patterns,... | 链接下载:民国时期东北流民问题的整治——以20世纪20年代为中心.kdh