曹风雷 商丘师范学院 河南商丘 《防灾科技学院学报》2007年第02期
【摘要】 发生在1936~1937年间的大旱灾给河南农业生产造成了巨大损失,由此酿成的大饥荒导致食品奇缺、灾民遍地并大批饿死逃亡、伦理道德丧失。究其原因,除自然界气候变异的客观因素外,社会原因是主要的:农业生产力水平低下和统治者、侵略者的压榨与掠夺,致使国困民穷,无力抗灾;政府的防灾无能、救灾无力使灾情不断加重;水利长期失修、植被遭严重破坏使灾害难以抗御、亦加剧了旱灾。 【关键词】 河南; 旱灾; 农业; 民生
Comment on Drought in Henan between 1936 and 1937 Cao Fenglei (Shangqiu Teachers College; Shangqiu; Henan 476000)
【英文摘要】 The severe drought between 1936 and 1937 brought about great losses to Henan agriculture.The serious famine caused large amount of shortage of food,victims and bodies of the starved every where,and loss of morality.In addition to objective reasons like climatic anomalies,social causes played a big role in it,such as the low level of agricultural productivity and oppression and robbery of rulers and invaders,which led to poverty of people,inability of preventing disasters;The government’s incompetence of ... 【英文关键词】 Henan; drought; agriculture; people's livelihood