1986年,Joan Scott在《美國歷史評論》上發表了一篇名為〈性別:一項有用的歷史分析範疇〉(Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis),此文一出便引起熱烈討論,學者們不僅揚棄了傳統以男性為中心的史觀,更是將婦女史研究往「性別」的層次邁進。距離Joan Scott這篇文章的出版已經歷時30年,性別史研究在歷經學界內部後現代、後殖民、「酷兒」(Queer)理論乃至於全球史研究的洗禮,學界外部政治、社會氛圍和女權運動的衝擊,在在呈現不同的風貌。過去單一視角的性別史研究,已然無法饜足吾人的知識渴求。即便只侷限於人文社會科學,要如何尋求性別史研究的多元視野,大概會是性別史研究者的最大公約數。
本會接受有主題的論文組(panel)或個別論文的投稿,論文撰寫與大會使用的語言為中文或英文。每組 (panel) 參與學者以不超過五位(包括主持人、論文發表人、評論人)為原則,發表論文最多四篇。繳送內容包括:與會學者之姓名、職銜與聯絡方式;論文組主題及摘要(500字內);每篇論文題目及摘要(250字內)。個別論文報名者請提供姓名、職銜、論文題目及摘要(250字內)。本會將針對論文與主題進行評審,並於2020年1月15日公佈評審結果。錄取者請於7月15日繳交論文全文。
相關問題,請洽林秀娟小姐:schuan@gate.sinica.edu.tw;Tel: 886-2-27898202
繳交方式:一律採線上作業,由系統統一收件,若以e-mail 遞送將不予以受理。
About the Conference
Date: August 18–19, 2020
Location: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Deadline for submission: December 15, 2019
About the Conference:
Since the publishing of the 1986 paper “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis” by Joan Scott in the American Historical Review, a wave of fervent discussion has ensued, ranging from the abandoning of traditional male-centric modes of thought to academic circles within women’s history orientating their research towards gender. In the last three decades, gender history research has been incessantly undergoing change, receiving influence from within academia—post-modernism, post-colonialism, queer theory, etc.—and from external forces, such as political or social factors and women’s movements. Past scholarship with a singular focus on gender, however, has been unable to realize the aim of advancing more holistic approaches. Despite being largely limited to humanities and social sciences, this task of how to better foster comprehensive perspectives has been assumed by researchers of gender history in particular.
In light of this, the goal of this conference is to explore gender history theories and practices which are able to cross “boundaries,” which here denotes three specific connotations. First, we desire to engage in inter-disciplinary dialogues, of which have not become rigid in spite of the often static boundaries separating academic disciplines. Second is the crossing of geographic boundaries from transnational perspectives. How does one place “gender” within different frameworks? Within different national contexts? To further explore these questions, this conference intends to consider both transnational approaches and regional comparisons. Gender history research being conducted in East Asia has largely followed in the wake of Western approaches and theories, and thus in a broader sense, which insights are we able to contribute to the field of gender history? This desire is not rooted in efforts to de-center or challenge Western practices, but rather we aim to re-center or revise these very same practices. Finally, this conference seeks to break through the temporal boundaries of linear approaches to gender history and provide new perspectives regarding imagined gender history research. How does one (re)position diachronic “gender” within synchronic contexts? For instance, a point of emphasis worth our attention is the phenomenon of “past” gender research being “present” women’s movements, as well as “future” women’s rights.
This conference is accepting panels with a clear central theme and individual submissions. Submissions and presentations may be in either Chinese or English. Each panel should not exceed a total of 5 individuals, including a moderator, the presenters, and a discussant, and may present up to 4 papers. Submissions must include the following: name, academic title or position, contact information, and an abstract. For panel submissions, please include the title and an abstract (500 words or less) of the panel as well as the titles and abstracts (250 words or less) of each associated paper. For individual submissions, please include the title and an abstract (250 words or less) of the paper. The conference will announce the results on January 15, 2020. The deadline for the completed paper is July 15, 2020.
The conference will provide participating scholars outside of the greater Taipei area with accommodation for up to three nights: August 17–20, 2020. Participants are asked to provide transportation costs themselves. To encourage the attendance of young scholars, the conference has limited funding for travel allowances with priority given to postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors. The application deadline for travel allowances is June 1, 2020. At the time of applying, application materials must include the completed paper.
For details on submitting abstracts, please see: https://reurl.cc/K64aWe
Please direct related questions to Ms. Lin Shiu-chuan: schuan@gate.sinica.edu.tw ;
tel. 886-2-27898202