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The project for the Scripta Sinica database began in 1984. The first aim of this project was to digitize all documents essential to research in traditional Sinology. Secondly, a full-text database was established for academic research. Until present, Scripta Sinica is the largest Chinese full text database to encompass an enormous breadth of historical materials of this scale.
More than 1,258 titles (new titles)and 718,132,225 characters of materials pertaining to the traditional Chinese classics have been included in the database and have been categorized with meticulous care. The Scripta Sinica database contains almost all of the important Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history. In the future, we will continue with the digitalization of more historical materials, and add new features to the system. We hope to provide scholars, students, and the general public with an excellent full-text database and search engine for the study of Chinese history and culture.
本所藏內閣大庫檔案原藏於清宮內閣大庫,宣統元年(1909)因大庫整修而被移出。清亡後幾經轉手,一度被賣入同懋增紙廠作還魂紙,最後在首任所長傅斯年 先生的奔走下,於民國十八年(1929)自李盛鐸手中購入。
這批檔案有四千多件明代(1368-1644)文書,三十多萬件清代(1644-1911)檔冊,包括內閣收貯的制詔誥敕、題奏本章、朝貢國表章、內閣各 廳房處的檔案、修書各館檔案、試題、試卷、瀋陽舊檔等,而以題奏本章佔最大宗。
The archives of the Grand Secretariat currently housed at the Institute were originally kept at the Grand Secretariat Storehouse in the Ch’ing imperial palace. They were removed from the Storehouse when it underwent renovation in 1909. After the overthrow of the Ch’ing, these archives changed hands several times, and were, at one point, even sold to a paper recycling factory. Eventually, the Institute purchased them from Li Sheng-to, a book collector, in1929 thanks to the efforts of Fu Ssu-nien, the Institute’s first director.
There are over four thousand Ming(1368-1644) documents and more than three hundred thousand volumes of Ch’ing(1644-1911) archival materials in this collection, including imperial decrees, edicts, memorials, tribute document, examination questions, examination papers, rosters of successful examination candidates, documents from the offices of the Grand Secretariat, documents from the offices for book compilation, and old documents from Mukden. Memorials make up the bulk these documents.
The archives contain valuable source materials for institutional, social and economic historians. They record general administrative activities and legal cases, many of which cannot be found in Ch’ing legal compendia.