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来源: 作者:  点击数:  更新时间:2015-05-10


    The Wen Yuan Ying Hua, compiled by the government agencies, is one of the most vital classics of literature during the early Song Dynasty. It can be classified into 38 literary forms, which record more than 20,000 literatures, from the period of Five Dynasties and Ten States to Tang Dynasty. As for the articles of “Lun”, they are referred to as a compilation of 178 texts on political and military achievements, historical viewpoints and the way of national governance. As for the compiling, the paper analyzed the feature of text compilation and article composing. Compared with “Lun” of Wen Xuan, the Wen Yuan Ying Hua inherited achievements and compensated drawbacks, by more available texts and more elaborate classifications. In the term of the content, the paper discussed the available texts of “Lun”, based on the relationship of history record and related texts. In addition, the paper uncovered the claim of early Song Dynasty, based on culture background and political needs in this period. As for the relationship of Nature and Humanity, Wen Yuan Ying Hua inherited achievements. Unfortunately, the drawbacks, lurking in the former literature, still existed in Wen Yuan Ying Hua. In the term of article selecting, it began to focus the content and availability, which is still based on the old-fashion Si-Liu-Wen. As for content, the texts of civilian governance not only imply political and cultural needs, but also reflect the related policy. The compilation of texts, including political and military achievements; historical viewpoints and the way of national governance, provides decision-making guidance for the new political power. Finally, the analysis about the literature value of the “Lun” preserved the literature achievements of the previous generation, which is essential for compiling and collating in the future. On the other hand, a new entry of other literatures in Song Dynasty can be established by publishing of Wen Yuan Ying Hua. Unlike the literary critics, the viewpoints of authors always lurk in the arrangement of articles. Ironically, there are no observable chapters and sections system in Wen Yuan Ying Hua. This paper illustrated the viewpoints of authors behind the compiling process with the analysis about the compilation of texts. Additionally, Wen Yuan Ying Hua has been an important issue as the previous generation, and the discussion of compilation is a useful attempt in this paper. In general, this paper analyzed the feature of compilation, content , related social background and the value of literature carefully, in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of “Lun” in Wen Yuan Ying Hua, based on a comprehensive analysis of the history and literature. Key Words: Wen Yuan Ying Hua; Lun; Compilation of literature.  

    《(雍正)湖广通志》纂修于雍正八年(1730)至十一年(1733),是一部由湖广总督迈柱监修,翰林院编修夏力恕等纂修的最后一部两湖合志。对于《(雍正)湖广通志》的纂修,尤其对其“两湖合修”、“详北略南”的编纂体例,历代学者多有诟病。许多学者从湖广分省及“通志”的定义的角度加以评判,认为“通志”所记范围为一省,而湖南、湖北在清初渐分为两省,不应两湖合修为一部通志;又自《四库全书总目》之后,学界多承袭其说,认为《(雍正)湖广通志》因开局武昌,对湖南部分资料搜集不周,故造成其体例上“详北略南”的缺陷。本文结合学界关于“湖广分省”问题的诸多讨论,从纂修背景、纂修人员、纂修体例、文献搜集以及内容分析等方面,力求对《(雍正)湖广通志》的纂修进行完整系统的研究。本文认为《(雍正)湖广通志》体例上的“两湖合修”,并非完全取决于当时行政区划情况,而是由许多综合因素造成的;其“分载南北”的体例,虽很大程度上反映了当时“湖广分治”的行政区划演变状况,可以将其作为雍正朝湖广分省的一个参考因素,但绝不能以《(雍正)湖广通志》的纂修作为其唯一依据;“开局武昌,采访不周”虽然是造成《(雍正)湖广通志》在内容上“详北略南”情况的一个重要原因,但并非决定性因素,其“详北略南”的内容特征,较之《(康熙)湖广通志》及以往两湖总志中的南北差异已大大减弱,实际上《(雍正)湖广通志》中南北内容比例已渐趋平衡。 最后,本文还探讨了《(雍正)湖广通志》纂修的意义与影响,尤其是对两湖通志独立纂修的影响。历来《湖南通志》纂修者都对《(雍正)湖广通志》有较多诟病,尤其是《(乾隆)湖南通志》在内容上对雍正志有较多增订,但其体例结构乃至内容都基本上承袭自《(雍正)湖广通志》;又章学诚《湖北通志》一改《(雍正)湖广通志》体例,但其志终未得行于世,而其后继者则更是在体例上回归了《(雍正)《湖广通志》。可见,雍正志在两湖通志纂修史上的地位。总之,《(雍正)湖广通志》的纂修不仅是对传统的继承,也是时代发展的需要。因此,对《(雍正)湖广通志》纂修情况的研究,有利于推动雍正朝两湖地区及其他通志的纂修研究。一方面,《(雍正)湖广通志》作为历代两湖通志中的一部及两湖最后一部合修通志,对于后代两湖通志独立纂修起着最后的奠基性作用,另一方面,作为雍正朝所修众多通志中的一部及最后的两部两省合修通志之一,《(雍正)湖广通志》的纂修情况也反映了雍正朝其他通志纂修的基本面貌,对于其他通志的纂修研究也有一定借鉴意义。  
    The Yongzheng Provincial Chorography of Huguang, as the last transprovincail chorography of Hunan and Hubei area, which was called Huguang province together, was compiled by Mai Zhu, the Governor of Huguang, and Xia Lishu, the compiler of Hanlinyuan, during the 8th to 11th year of Yongzheng’ reign (1730-1733). Former scholars often criticize the compilation of the Yongzheng Provincial Chorography o f Huguang, especially on its transprovincail compilation structure, and partiality to Hubei province. Basing on the definition of Tongzhi, which is provincial chorography, many scholars confirm that the territorial scope of Tongzhi should be within one province, whereas, Huguang had been divided into two provinces then, the transprovincail structure of Huguang Tongzhi is not reasonable. Moreover, many scholars succeed the criticism of the Complete Catalogue of the Four Vaults that the partiality on Hubei is because of that the compiling institution of this book was located in Wuchang, Hubei province, which was followed by the different effects of this book to the independent compiling of its own provincial chorography for the two provinces. In this article, by referring to many former studies on the problem of the division of Huguang province, I focus my study on the backgrounds of the participants, source of compilation, and the structure analyzing. As a result, I found out that, we can not attribute the transprovincail structure of the book only to the administrative division of that time, there are many other inducements. Furthermore, compiling the contents of the two provinces respectively in this book reflects the division process of Huguang province, but it may not be the exact symbol of the division of Huguang province. Moreover, the location of the compiling institution alone can not account for the different level of detail for the two provinces in this book and I found out a long neglected fact that the difference of the two provinces in this book is becoming smaller comparing to the Kangxi Provincial Chorography of Huguang. The last part of the article is about the influence of the compilation of the Yongzheng Provincial Chorography of Huguang, especially about its effects to the compilation of later chorography of Hunan and Hubei. Though compilers of the Provincial Chorography of Hunan were very critical to the compilation of this book, and Zhang Xuecheng, the compiler of the Provincial Chorography of Hubei even tried to create a new compiling style for the book, I found out that the contents and structures of later the Provincial Chorography of Hunan are all based on the Yongzheng Provincial Chorography of Huguang, from which we can see the significance of this book in the later compiling of chorography for the two provinces. In conclusion, the Yongzheng Provincial Chorography of Huguang is not only the inheritance of chorography compiling custom in Huguang province, but also a product of its time, therefore, the study on the compiling of this book can provide some referential experience to the study on other provincial chorography of that area or era. On one hand, as one of the provincial chorography of Hunan and Hubei area, and the last transprovincail chorography of Hunan and Hubei province, it is a representative chorography of Hunan and Hubei area. On the other hand, as one of the chorography compiled during the reign of Yongzheng and one of the last transprovincail chorography, the study of this book can also promote the study of provincial chorography of other provinces. 

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