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来源: 作者:  点击数:  更新时间:2015-05-07
    钱仪吉作为有清代一代著名的学者,一生勤于治学,著述颇丰。《清史列传》称其“于学无所不通”, 绝非虚美之辞。本文则主要以《碑传集》为中心具体探讨钱氏的文献学成就,《碑传集》作为自有清一代以来第一部大型人物传记资料的汇编,在中国古代同类著述的编纂历程中起着承上启下、继往开来的里程碑作用。它的问世开创了清人汇集碑传文的风气,在清代文献学史上有着特殊的贡献。可以说,《碑传集》奠定了钱仪吉在清代学术中的地位,同时也奠定了其在我国历史文献学史中的地位。除了《碑传集》之外,钱氏还编辑整理了《冰蔬集》、《韫翫集》、《清风集》、《庐江钱氏文汇诗》等,所有这些都有重要的文献价值,它们为研究清代诗歌和社会史提供了重要的文献资料。因此钱仪吉是清代一个很重要的文献学家,而《碑传集》是最能体现其文献学成就的代表作。本文在占有资料的基础上,充分吸收和借鉴前人的研究成果,利用历史学和文献学的理论和方法,对钱仪吉的学术成就尤其是其在文献学领域取得的成就进行总结和论述。文章的主体分为三部分。第一章是对钱仪吉基本情况的研究,由于目前学术界对这个人物的研究很少,要探讨其文献学成就不能不对其生平经历等个人的基本情况作一番梳理,以达到欲论其学先知其人的目的。在这一部分中笔者通过介绍钱氏的为官经历、师友传承、学术交游、著述成就及学术特色,客观、真实、全面地呈现出了其在清代学术史上取得的成就及其应有的地位。第二章主要论述了《碑传集》的渊源与编纂,首先从《碑传集》的体例上追溯其渊源,通过对人物传记的产生和变迁的研究以及自南宋杜大珪以来出现的几部典型的碑传类著述的介绍理清了前人在这方面取得的成就和不足,为下面论述钱仪吉在继承前人传统的基础上创立了《碑传集》的新体例做好了铺垫。然后以晚清社会大环境为背景,探讨钱仪吉编纂《碑传集》的缘起和经过。笔者认为《碑传集》的编纂既是时代发展的要求,又与钱仪吉本人扎实的学术功底及崇高的学术追求密不可分。另外,钱氏曾在会典馆任职的经历使他看到了在别处看不到的材料,所有这些因素综合在一起使《碑传集》的出现显得顺理成章。第三章主要论述了《碑传集》的文献价值与学术影响,文章分别从资料采摭与人物评价、编纂宗旨与体例编排两方面论述了其文献价值,从版本流传和续作、补作两方面论述了其学术影响。
    Qian Yiji , a famous scholar in Qing dynasty, had lots of works done, who was very diligent. The Biographies in Qing Dynasty said that he was a well-known person, and it was not exaggerated at all. This thesis focused on Collections of Epitaph and Biography and explored Qian Yiji’s achievement of documentation science. As the first large-scale character biographical data compilation in Qing dynasty, Collections of Epitaph and Biography played the milestone role which linked the preceding with the following in the similar writings in Chinese history. Qian Yiji made the later collect epitaph and biography of history figures like him after Collections of Epitaph and Biography was published. This had the special contribution in the Qing Dynasty literature study history. It can be said that Collections of Epitaph and Biography established Qian Yiji’s status in academic history in Qing Dynasty. At the same time, It also established his status in the history of historical documentation science of our country. Besides Collections of Epitaph and Biography, Qian Yiji also edited and reorganized Bing Shu Ji, Yun Wan Ji, Qing Feng Ji, Lujiang Qian Shi Wen Hui Shi, and so on. All these works had the important literature value and provided the important literature material for the study poetry and social history of Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Qian Yiji was a very important literature scientist in Qing Dynasty. Collections of Epitaph and Biography was the most important works which can manifest his documentation science achievement. This thesis is on the basis of holding the material, fully absorption and model former generation scholarsˊresearch results. It summarizes and discusses Qian Yiji’s academic achievement especially his achievement of documentation science through using the historian and literature study theories and ways. The main body of this thesis can be divided to three parts. Chapter 1 is the study of Qian Yiji’s basic case. Unfortunately, the present study of Qian Yiji is not too many. In order to know the author before exploring his academic achievement, we have to introduce his basic condition. In this part the thesis’s author mainly introduce Qian Yiji’s experiences of the official, teachers and friends inheritance, achievement of history writings and academic characteristic, therefore, a drawing of Qian Yiji’s position in Qing Dynasty academic history was unfolded objectively, really, and comprehensively. Chapter 2 mainly discusses the origin of Collections of Epitaph and Biography and its compilation. Firstly, I trace down the origin of Collections of Epitaph and Biography form its style. I clarify the former’s achievement and shortcoming of the similar writings through researching the appearance and development of biography. And this made me have a foundation to elaborate Qian Yiji’s new pattern which inherited the former’s ones. Secondly, under the background of Late—Qing Dynasty, I explore the reasons and processes of compiling epitaph and biography. I think the requirement of the period and Qian Yiji’s diligence made the great works------ Collections of Epitaph and Biography to be published. Moreover, It is also inseparable with Qian Yiji’s solid academic foundation of basic skills and his lofty academic pursue. Because he had an experience in the government, Qian Yiji red lots of material which can’t find in other places. Therefore, it’s a natural thing that Collections of Epitaph and Biography was published. Chapter 3 mainly discussed Collections of Epitaph and Biography’s value of documentation science and its influence of academic. This thesis elaborates Collections of Epitaph and Biography’s literature value from two aspects------the material choices and the history figure’s appraisal. And It also explore the works’ influence of academic from two aspects, one is the condition of its edition, the other is its imitated works. In a word, through the above research, the thesis’s author think Collections of Epitaph and Biography has the special status in biography book of history figures in Qing Dynasty. Qian Yiji was a very important literature scientist. He was quite an influential scholar in the domain of academic in his time. As my tutor said,“The academic sky of Qing Dynasty can not be supported by the several first-class, academic outstanding persons who are familiar with at present for us. There were many similarly outstanding scholars in these persons' behind. Unfortunately, we gradually forget them for various reasons.” Qian Yiji is one of these scholars who were forgotten. Through this thesis, I try my best to excavate Qian Yiji’s academic achievement. I want to let everybody know that it should not lack Qian Yiji in Qing’s academic history.

    本文论述主体是平步青(1832年—1895年)的文献学成就。生活在晚清时期的平步青是一位承继浙东学术之流风余韵的文献学家。平步青幼年即入私塾学习。因生于浙东这块人文渊薮之地,受地域的影响和乡邦文献的浸润,他年少时期就留意文献整理。他于同治元年得中进士,此后曾相继担任过翰林院编修、国史馆纂修、文渊阁校理等职,这为他日后全力从事文献整理活动奠定了深厚的学术基础。同治六年,平步青被引见记名以道府用,从此步入政治舞台,此后又陆续担任江西督粮道、布政使、按察使等职。但因他喜欢读书和文献整理,疲于应对官场中各种繁琐事务,且个性耿直,不堪忍受官场倾轧,五年之后便辞官回籍。之后二十多年间,平步青一直从事校书、刻书等文献整理活动。据其《 园丛书初定总目》和文集中的相关记载可知,他一生校书不下百余种,刻书亦有二十多种。他在校勘时注意采用科学的校勘方法,刻书则主要选择浙东学者著作。本文首先对平步青的生平、履历、主要交游活动和著述等问题进行梳理与考证,在此基础上,从校书及其方法、刻书及其意义、目录学等方面探讨他的文献学成就,进而指出平步青是晚清时期一位以绍述浙东学术为己任的文献学家。他生于晚清动荡不安的时代背景下,受清代考据之学风气影响而又浸润于浙东重视乡邦文献和董理乡贤旧籍的地域文化,一生都致力于文献尤其是浙东地区文献的搜集、整理。他曾为浙东学术勾勒出黄宗羲、万斯同、万斯大、邵廷采、全祖望、邵晋涵至章学诚的传承脉系。并在年轻时就留意搜集章学诚的著作,校勘全祖望的《鲒埼亭集》,为黄宗羲编制个人著述目等。
    The main body of the article is to discuss Ping Buqing's Philology Achievement. Ping Buqing is a philologist who inherit Learning of East Zhejiang living in the Late Qing Dynasty. He study in Old -Style Private School when he was a child. Because born in eastern Zhe jiang which has profound culture contents, he attendad Document Sorting in his childhood influenced by region and his home's literature. He pasted the imperial examinations in 1862, thereafter he worked in Han Linyuan,、Guo Shiguan and Wen Yuange. This Laied the profound academic foundation for his Document Sorting. He was recommend and worked in feudal government at 1867 ,since then he entered the political arena. Thereafter he was a Jiang Xi Du Liangdao、Bu Zhengshi、An Chashi.and so on in succession. But because he liked reading and document sorting, tired of dealing with all kinds of affairs in officialdom, and had a integrity character. he could not bear the conflicts in officialdom, and resigned from office. During the later more than twenty years, Ping Buqing engaged in document arrangement all the time. According to his General Catalogue of Yiyuan series,we can know that he collated more than one hundred books and engraved teenty kinds of books at least.,He adopted scientific method to collate books and mainly engraved books writing by scholars in the eastern part of  Zhejiang Province. Firstly,This article sorts out and researches textually the Ping Buqing's life, curriculum vitae, literature , companionship and all his writings. On the basis of this, discussion on his achiveements in philology from collation and its methods , engraving books and its significance, bibliography etc. Then,this article points out that Ping Buqing is a philologist who was born in the late Qing Dynasty and inherited Zhejiang East Learning Culture.He was born in the late Qing Dynasty turbulent times, greatly influenced by the social mode of textology and Zhejiang East Learning Culture. So he devoted all his life to document arrangement especially for document of Zhejiang East. He ever pointed out that Zhejiang East Learning Culture was inherited by Huang Zongxi, Wan Sitong, Wan Sida, Quan Zuwang, Shao Tingcai, ZhangXuecheng, collected and sorted out ZhangXuecheng's works, collated QuanZhuwang's corpus Jieqitingji, maked a catalogue for HuangZongxi and so on.

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